The Ultimate List of Effective Lesson Planner Tools for Teachers

Last updated on August 21, 2023 by

Are you just starting out as a teacher and want easier ways to plan fun lessons? In today’s digital world, there are websites and apps made for teachers like you. These tools help you organize what you’ll teach, work with others, and use technology to be a better teacher. In this article, we’ll show you some of the best ones that can really help change how you teach. But first, let’s talk about why having a lesson planner is important for teaching.

Why You Need to Have a Teacher Planner for Your Lessons?

Lesson planning is super important for teachers because it’s like a map for good teaching. A good plan doesn’t just say what to teach, it helps teachers make learning fun. Plus, it helps them set clear goals, get stuff ready, and create activities that work for all kinds of students. Also, a good plan helps teachers see problems ahead and change things if needed, which makes it easier for students to understand and do well in class.

  • Stay Organized: Being a teacher means handling a lot—lessons, assignments, meetings, and more. A teacher planner is like a helper that keeps all these things in one place. No more shuffling papers and schedules around; everything you need is neat and tidy in your planner.
  • Smart Planning: With a teacher planner, you can plan your lessons beforehand. This means you can think about what you’ll teach, what activities to do, and your goals. This way, your classes will be ready and exciting.
  • Time Management: Time is important for teachers. A planner helps you divide time for different things. It makes sure you don’t spend too much time on one thing and forget another. It helps you balance teaching, grading, and your own time.
  • Less Stress: Teaching can be tough, but a planner can make it easier by giving you a clear plan. When you know what’s coming and everything is organized, you’ll feel more in control and less stressed.
  • Goal Setting: A teacher planner lets you set goals for your students and yourself. You can see how students are doing and think about how you teach, so you keep getting better.
  • Record Keeping: Use your teacher planner to note down lessons, students’ progress, and important happenings. This info can be useful for talking to parents, tests, and learning more.

8 Best Teacher Planner Apps for Effective Teaching

GitMind: Visual Planning and Concept Mapping

lesson planner gitmind

GitMind is one of the best teacher planner tools which is great in visual planning and concept mapping tool that allows educators to organize lesson plans. This tool also simplifies complex concepts, and encourages interactive learning. More than that, it helps teachers create engaging lesson structures, foster creative thinking through brainstorming sessions, and present information in a clear and accessible format.

Google Classroom: Modern Classroom Management

lesson planner googleclassroom

Another lesson planner for teachers like you is a Google Classroom. This site is a comprehensive platform that provides educators with a seamless method to manage classes, assignments, and communication. It also allows teachers to craft and distribute assignments, share educational materials, and provide prompt feedback to students. Additionally, the integrated Google Drive ensures effortless storage and access to lesson resources, while the announcement feature helps keep students informed about essential updates.

Planboard by Chalk: Simple Lesson Planning

lesson planner chalk

One more tool that you can use for your teacher plan is Planboard by Chalk. This app offers an intuitive online lesson planning tool that assists teachers in designing dynamic lesson plans effortlessly. Also, its user-friendly drag-and-drop interface enables you to visually organize lessons, units, and resources. Moreover, this platform also facilitates collaborative planning among educators, making it an ideal choice for collaborative projects and aligning curriculum.

Microsoft OneNote: Flexible Note-Taking and Planning

lesson planner onenote

Next on this list is Microsoft OneNote. This is a flexible note-taking and planning tool that allows teachers to organize lesson plans, create digital notebooks, and collaborate with students. Interestingly, it incorporates multimedia elements, handwritten notes, and digital ink to enhance teaching materials. With cross-platform compatibility, teachers can access their lesson plans from any device.

Notion: All-in-One Workspace

lesson planner notion

Another app on this list is Notion– an all-in-one workspace that goes beyond traditional note-taking applications. Additionally, it offers a wide range of features that can be tailored to suit lesson planning and organizational needs. One more thing, Notion’s flexibility allows teachers to create a customized workspace that integrates various elements of their teaching journey.

Trello: Visual Planning and Project Management

lesson planner trello

Trello is a versatile project management tool that can be adapted for lesson planning. This tool also utilizes visual boards and customizable cards to organize lesson units, activities, and resources. Moreover, this platform particularly suits educators who prefer a visual approach to planning.

PlanbookEdu: Customizable Lesson Templates

lesson planner planedu

Next up is PlanbookEdu‘s lesson templates. It’s a friendly online tool for making your own lesson plans. You can customize them and they even have templates that match common standards. You can easily bring in standards from different places. The easy-to-use design works for teachers who are good with technology and those who aren’t.

Evernote: Comprehensive Digital Workspace

lesson planner evernote

Last but not the least is Evernote. This tool is like a digital workspace for teachers. You can use it to keep your lesson plans, stuff you need, and your own notes organized. You can make separate notebooks for each subject and easily share them with students. A cool thing is the web clipper – it lets you save online stuff right into your notebooks.


In a nutshell, a lesson planner is an ultimate companion of educators in their teaching journey. It’s more than just a (digital) planner—it’s a tool that empowers them to be organized, efficient, and effective in their role. So, whether they’re a seasoned educator or just starting out, a teacher planner can truly make a positive impact on your teaching experience.

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Posted by: on to Tips and Resources. Last updated on August 21, 2023

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